By the Artists, for the Artists.

A Place to Learn

Forget art being taken out of schools, whoever learned how to start an art business? To add insult to injury, whoever learned how to start an art business using social media, e-commerce, and technology that is evolving at a dizzying speed?

Exactly. No one.

But, together we can find the answer we seek. We all bring a spark of brilliance to the table. Together, as a community, we teach how to create an art business from vastly different experiences and listen to what new struggles are emerging from the art community. We all hone our own interests to help each other fill in the gaps of knowledge we have to thrive as artists.

A Place to Connect

Art cannot exist outside of connection. To create is to connect. Today, it's so easy to get lost in "the hustle" and managing 50 social media posts a day when, really, all we need is a cup of coffee (or glass of wine) and good company. We believe that together, we can achieve far more.

Having a community helps artists when they become stuck, become uninspired, or, honestly, become hopeless. We creatives tend to experience incredibly strong emotions and having a community can be the difference between continuing to create and throwing in the towel completely. It's time for a new era of artists. It's time for artists to build each other up so that they need not fear being knocked down.

Competition is a tired idea of the past - it's time to collaborate and cooperate.

A Place to Share

It can be so scary to start out as a baby artist. Your art is a baring of your soul to others. Rejection becomes our biggest fear. We've done the hard work for artists wanting to enter the community. We've paved the way for artists to share with responsible businesses, vendors, and organizations that value community and collaboration as much as we do.

As time goes on, it's also easy for artists to fall into an embittered state in creating to make money. We're here to give you the tools to keep you creating from that spark inside of you - rather than the "almighty dollar."

We know that the world needs to see itself through your eyes. And, you're the only one who can show us.

Interested in joining our community? Learn more here!

Meet the AASA Team!

Alejandro Castanon


Shelby Arias Seymore

Administrative Coordinator